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'THIS BILDA' is a series that features interviews with creatives and founders in Asia and beyond.

For Ben Attwood, Clubhouse Skin was borne out of two simultaneous frustrations: aisles of uninspiring mens skincare and a desire to explore his creative ambitions. Ben shares his journey from discovery to launch, how he's been leveraging TikTok to get the word out, how he defines success, and so much more. 


No small talk - what's the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

I’ve recently binged a lot of stand-up comedy. So probably Shane Gillis Netflix special. Or anything that comes out of Theo Vons mouth.


Tell us about your current venture, Clubhouse Skin - why did you start it?

Clubhouse Skin was born out of two simultaneous frustrations.

In my role as a Designer/Art Director at a London agency, I frequently collaborated with a major skincare conglomerate. We were constantly pitching innovative ideas, only for them to consistently pick the safer, less impactful (boring), alternatives. Which I understand. A business worth billions needs to be careful about what they put out in the world. But I couldn’t help but feel my creative itch wasn’t being scratched.

Around this same time, I began considering my own skincare routine. A trip to my local pharmacy left me surrounded by isles of uninspiring and stale brands that didn’t resonate with me at all. I ended up purchasing products traditionally marketed towards women, which, while perfectly functional, didn't align with my taste at all.

I realised that launching my own skincare brand would not only provide me with the freedom to experiment with the creative ideas that had been previously dismissed but also allow me to craft a brand I'd proudly display in my bathroom.


Credit: @finncochran

How’s it going?

On one hand it’s been very tough as nothing seems to move quickly in the skincare world. But on the other hand it’s been a breeze because I love what i’m doing and am convinced the brand needs to exist.

Looking at the packaging, website and photography all come together as a cohesive brand is so rewarding and I couldn’t be happier about where we’re at right now.


What's a common misconception about the skincare industry you want to dispel?

That you need an arsenal of products to have healthy skin. Most people only need a simple routine. And to drink more water.


What key values and principles define Clubhouse Skin, and how do they align with your personal beliefs?

One of our slogans is “Go forward with quiet confidence”. Which is how I live my life and build my business.

A lot of brands are constantly shouting at you desperately trying to make you buy their product/service. I’m more interested in building a quality product and brand that attracts customers. This approach will definitely cost us in potential sales, but i’ll end up with a business that i’m proud of.

AESOP is an example of who does this well. You don’t ever see them having sales or bombarding you with off-brand ads looking for a conversion. They’re confident in themselves.


You've been sharing your founder journey on TikTok - what made you do it, and how have you found the content creation process?

Once i’d committed to building Clubhouse Skin I knew it would take a long time to launch product. I also knew I didn’t have a lot/any money to put into marketing it. So creating content would not only fill my spare time with something productive but also start to build an audience, so when I do come to launch I wasn’t starting from absolute zero.

If you know me, you know i’m an introvert. I was the kid at school who would pull a sickie to get out of doing speeches. So the idea of talking to a camera and putting it out into the world was extremely difficult at the start. However, I knew it was something that could pay off tremendously.

I still struggle with it today, although it is getting easier.


Credit:  @finncochran 

As a solo founder how did you decide what to do yourself versus outsourcing?

Simple, if I can do it, I will. If I can’t, i’ll outsource. For example I can’t create a Vitamin-C serum infused with cactus oils, so I partnered with a lab to do that. I can however design and art direct, so i’ve done all the packaging, website etc myself.

Side note, I feel like design is an extremely underrated skill for entrepreneurs. People have gone out of their way to help me purely because I communicated the brand well, with good design. Something to think about.


Is there a particular place or environment where you feel most inspired?

London in general is super inspiring to me. I’ll just go for a walk around Soho, Mayfair or Covent Garden looking at the architecture and shops. I almost always find something inspiring.

Equally, my partner has an eco-cabin business in New Zealand. The cabin has nothing around it for miles except for thick forest so your mind can wander without distraction.


Have you felt like giving up on your business at any point, and if so, how did you break through that?

Honestly, no. I’ve definitely had rough patches where it felt like nothing was going my way, but my conviction in Clubhouse Skin is so strong the thought of quitting never occurred.


What part of the startup process has been the most rewarding and frustrating?

Without a doubt, TikTok. Documenting the process has opened so many doors—numerous people have reached out with retail prospects, fellow founders have shared invaluable advice, and creatives have generously offered their services for free. Thanks to my content, I now have industry professionals as mentors, and some of my followers have become personal connections and huge advocates for the brand. Even this interview is a result of our connection on TikTok.

On the flip side is the frustration that comes with deciphering the TikTok algorithm. I can dedicate an entire weekend to meticulously editing and perfecting a video, only for it to flop. Meanwhile, a video I shot in 10 minutes during my walk to the park can blow up. It's all part of the game.



How have you been funding the business?

I took out a small business loan from the UK Govt. I’ve been very frugal and called on all my favours to get Clubhouse Skin this far and within budget. They’re going to want that money back soon so the earlier we launch the better!


What does success look like to you?

I think about this in levels.

Level 1: Earn enough to have financial freedom and security.

Level 2: Earn enough to buy a bunch of farm-land, fill with rescued animals and move the whole family in.

I’m in this for the long-haul so if success takes 5, 10, 20 years then i’m fine with that.


What's a dream collab you'd love to land?

I’d love to collaborate with a rapper. Specifically, Larry June. I feel like rappers have such a hyper-masculine aura that it would be so unexpected. Plus he often raps about self-care so it feels on-brand.


Are there any small businesses, startups, brands, or founders you think we should check out?

A friend of mine, Josh Heares, founder of Porter James Sports.


Learn more about Clubhouse Skin

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