The Discover Kit

A new kind of self-care.

What if self-discovery could be creative, collaborative, and playful?

Introducing, The Discover Kit, a design-led deck of cards intended to help you get unstuck, find direction, and build a life you love. It's time for more living > less overthinking.

From art therapy to psychology and philosophy to research, inside you’ll find 20+ tools inspired by a delicious mash of disciplines. All hand-picked, user-tested, and sure to get you out of your head and back into the world. 

Gift it to someone you love, or get it for yourself - either way it’s a win-win.

How does it work?

Queue inspiring music. There are 24 tools across four sections for you to explore solo or with friends.

  • GET READY: Here you'll draw, squiggle, create, play and experiment with this warm-up for your creative muscle.
  • GATHER: This is like a field trip to your soul and back; all to collect the info you need to learn more about yourself.
  • GLEAN: Consider this a hunt for golden needles in the haystack of information you’ve just collected; time for aha! moments.
  • GO: Prototype time. Create a vision for what your life could look like then build and test to figure out your path forward. 

Grab a marker, journal, and set your timer to ‘Sprint’ through each exercise or take a ‘Stroll’ and get it done in your own time.

Who is it for?

For humans who are curious, creative, and kind. For anyone who is at a cross-roads and excited to explore and experiment.

If you're feeling stuck, need an energy boost, or just want to uncover something new then The Discover Kit is for you.

Proven Tools

TLDR; Each and every tool in here has been selected because it has a benefit for you, the person using it.

Why did we create a physical kit instead of just a digital one? Because we're more addicted to technology than we've ever been and long-story short - it's not that great for our mental health.

Conversely, spending time with people, drawing, writing, reflecting, heck even scribbling and just "doing" are simple and proven ways to improve our wellbeing.

We've read through peer-reviewed papers, tested the tools with our community, and have created a kit based on this.

We're also designers and researchers by trade; the kit is a distillation of everything we've learned in the past decade problem-solving for some of the world's biggest brands.


At BILDA we want to help people build a life they love. We do this through a design-led process that encourages empathy, experimentation, collaboration, creativity, and play.

Instead of getting stuck in a loop of indecision we are providing tools to design a way out of the rut.

ALSO, design is fun.

We encourage you to get creative and try different mediums like collage, illustration, sketching, digital moodboaring, etc. when completing the exercises.

You don't need to be an artist, you just need to want to try.

Lost Souls Tested

As part of our research we spoke to and tested the kit with self-professed lost souls. They didn't hold back on the feedback, and we've made sure to integrate and keep only the good stuff.

FSC Shelf-Candy

The Discover Kit is printed on FSC-certified paper and let us tell you it's probably the smoothest thing you will ever touch. Like, really smooth.

Go solo or gather a group
Grab a journal + marker
Switch off distractions (your phone)
Choose your pace: sprint or stroll
Start your journey of discovery


Perfect for building bonds

The Discover Kit was built to do solo or made better with a group of humans.



You've got questions, we've got answers

Is The Discover Kit a game?

The Discover Kit isn't exactly a game, unless the game is creatively figuring out your life.

It's a deck of cards with activities that you'll complete solo or with others. Each tool will give you a prompt that might involve drawing, reflecting, writing, researching, or scheming.

You'll need a journal (fresh ones always feel like new beginnings) and a marker; but you can get as creative as you want.

You can illustrate the answers, collage them, or just write them out.

Where do you ship to?

We are now shipping to the following places (prices in SGD):

  • Singapore - free shipping ;)
  • Malaysia - $14
  • Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan - $18
  • Vietnam, South Korea - $22
  • China, Australia, New Zealand - $26
  • United Kingdom - $59
  • USA - $51

How long does shipping take?

2-3 bidness days.

Is it better to do it alone or with others?

We've made The Discover Kit so you can do it either way. When we've used it in groups or with couples we find it sparks new conversations and understanding.

Use this an opportunity to get to know someone new or better understand someone already in your life.

Most of the activities you do solo and then come together to discuss.

How long does each activity take?

There are two modes to use The Discover Kit: Sprint or Stroll.

With Sprint mode you'll follow the time limit set on the front of the card. Most activities take between 1-10 minutes.

If time pressure is too much, you can Stroll. This means you do it in your own time. You set the rules.

We recommend Sprint mode because it will prevent overthinking and you'll be surprised just how much you can get done in such little time.

Why did you make The Discover Kit?

We made The Discover Kit because we noticed a pattern. So many people feel stuck in their current situations whether that's with work, where they live, or something else.

As researchers and designers our job is to leverage different tools to find solutions. We thought we could use those same tools to help lost souls.

I have another question...

If you've got anything else you need answered get in touch with us. We're here to help.